
Bloglovin' is the new way to go for bloggers

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hi there! I recently discovered the power of Bloglovin' to get great traffic to my blog and wanted to share it with you. If you are a blogger, you should definitely give it a shot. It is free and it is an amazing tool to get more traffic. My blog has no boundaries. I share any information I find and topics on daily life. Stay tuned for more. See you next time.

Simple Little Tips to Save Money in Your Daily Life

I will keep this very basic. You are here probably because you want to know how to save a little money. Below, you will read about simple baby steps to start with. Think about your daily routine, i.e. shopping, banking, dining, even using a hair dryer, etc., anything you can think of. There are some things that need to be corrected to save money because we are doing them wrong, and also other things to be done so that we can save fair amount of money. These are simple, basic things that we can easily take control over and start saving money dramatically, which will be the main focus of this article. I am not going to tell you to do major changes in your lives or give up something like cable or pizza. There is no need to go crazy or torture yourself. Life is too short. Start with these simple little tips. They will add up at no time. (Related: How to Make Extra Money When You Have a Full-Time Job ) So, here we go! Buy in bulk, but be careful about what you’re buying


Home Remedies, A.K.A. Old Wives' Remedies “You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? - Medicine.” ― Tim Minchin What do you do to get better when your body has minor health problems, pop a pill or go for a home remedy? Home remedies are also known as old wives’ remedies . Some people call it alternative medicine . As interesting as it sounds, they actually have been around forever. Well, think about our great-great-grandparents, for example. I am talking about a time period when there were no pills—imagine a world with no Advil or Tums. What do you think that they had done to get over their illnesses and health problems?  We all know the answer. Their best helper was the nature. That is why home remedies are also called as old wives’ remedies . Every herb, spice, vegetable, fruit, seed, tree, leaf, even animal produce in Mother Nature has a good purpose that works for our body. The question is: how much or how ofte