A Simple Ritual for the Full Moon to Let Go of Anything Unwanted

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Full Moon Rituals, Get Rid of Unwanted Things
Photo courtesy: Wikimedia
I will keep this short. We don't need to know about the full moon’s importance for ancient civilizations or how the full moon happens. Briefly, the full moon represents the end of a cycle. This is a great time to perform a simple ritual to end anything that you don't want in your life. 

Here we go:
1. The very first thing is to make sure to do this AFTER the full moon rises. So, you may want to do a little search on Google and put a phrase like "moon phase in (the name of the city or state you live)." If the moon rises at 7:21pm on September 6, for example, and you start your ritual before 7:21pm, it may not be as effective as expected. Just do your homework first to stay on the safe side.

2. The next thing is to get a clean piece of paper and a pencil. Pencil is preferred because it is ‘earthier,’ but it is okay to use a pen if you don't have a pencil. 

3. Write down anything, any situations and names of people that you want out of your life. It is better if you make complete sentences with present continuous tense. I will give you couple of examples.

You don't want Jill in your life (*). You should write a sentence like this: "Jill is getting out of my life" or “Jill is no longer in my life.” Not a sentence like, "I want Jill out of my life." You are not creating a wish list. You want to send out the energy of happening what you want.
Say, you want your financial problems to end. Your sentence should be like "my financial problems are ending."
* Name “Jill” is used as an example and does not mean anything.

Go for a good brain storm and write your sentences like the ones above. Once you are done with your list, end it like this: "And, it happened so." This sentence goes to the bottom of the page. This way, you seal the deal. ;-)

4. For the last step, you will need to throw the paper into the water; like ocean, sea, lake, waterfall or streaming water. Water washes things away, gives movement to objects and takes them away. You can rip off the paper and flush it in the toilet if you have no any other choice for finding water.

DO NOT burn the paper. I have read on some spiritual web sites that other people tell you to burn the paper. That is a big no-no. Fire starts up things. It works for the opposite. Water is what you want to get rid of unwanted things. And, don't bury the paper in the soil either. Soil represents life, which is a startup just like fire. 

You are done. Now you can relax and let the universe take care of it. Wait until the new moon and go for another ritual to invite what you want into your life, like a new job, partner, losing weight, moving to your dream place, buying a house, etc. That is for another article. Stay tuned. :-)

Was your list a short one or a long one? Leave a comment and share your thoughts with us.

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A Simple Ritual for the New Moon - Make Your Wishes Come True 
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My blog has no boundaries. I share any information I find and topics on daily life. Stay tuned for more. See you next time.

DISCLAIMER: This information has been gathered by searching on the Internet. I am not an expert on this topic, nor do I guarantee any solid result(s). I am simply sharing something for fun and suggesting to try something harmless because "believing is the strongest energy to get what you want.":-)


Wendy said…
This sounds a little scary! It seems to me that you should be careful here, and be very specific about how you DON'T want things to happen. You know the saying, "Be careful what you wish for"! The universe is a strong force. Take your example "Jill will be getting out of my life." There are many ways that could happen, and some you may not want. A car could run over Jill, and your wish would be answered! Better to say something like, "Jill will be getting out of my life in a way that hurts no one" and turn that over to the power of the universe. I think I like the New Moon ritual better, it seems less dangerous!
Hilal Ulusan said…
That is true and you have a great eye to catch the detail. Always wish for something for the good of the whole. One needs to be careful about the way the wish sentence is made.

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