3 VERY SIMPLE Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy from the Place You Live
Believe it or not, our homes have all kinds of energies. In
fact, the energies from previous owners/tenants remain in the place even though
they don't live there anymore. We live in our homes, we sleep there, eat, cry,
celebrate, laugh, feel sad, happy, disappointed, etc., etc. Oh… Let’s not
forget about the energies that have been left by people who come to visit us.
We cannot know what kind of energy they might have left after themselves—it could
be positive energy or negative energy. As the time passes, our homes might
collect whole bunch of energies. Energy cleansing is a good way to get rid of
any negative energy in our homes and should be done on a regular basis, like
once or twice a month or so.
How do you know you have negative energy in your home? Check
a few main signs I listed below:
1. You immediately start feeling down as you enter your
2. You sit down on the couch or sofa and feel like there is
a ton of weight onto you. You don’t want to lift a finger even though a pile of
work is waiting for you. You don’t feel like getting up. You don’t want to
start doing the work.
3. Sometimes you stare at the same point for minutes with
nothing particular in mind.
4. Falling asleep is a lot of hard time. It is harder to get
up on time in the morning. Your sleep is disturbed a few times during the night
as you wake up for no reason.
5. You immediately start feeling happier and more energetic
when you step out of your home.
Does it sound like you? I have been there, and I am going to
talk about three simple methods that worked for me. I was specifically amazed
by the improved quality of my sleep.
So, how do we get rid of negative energy and start feeling
better? Here is a list of three very simple and effective ways to get rid of
negative energy:
1. Rock Salt
Rock salt is easy to find, inexpensive and has been known to
absorb negative energy. If you cannot find rock salt, use sea salt instead.
You can find them at any grocery market (look for the shelf where all fancy
salts are placed), some international stores or you can order online.
What happens then? In a week or so, either the salt will
melt in the water or the water will evaporate, living salt residues in and
around the containers. Either situation is fine. Just rinse them first and then
wash them by hand or in the wash machine. Repeat this as many times as you
want. There is no magic number to repeat this and certainly no harm in it. I
personally do this on a regular basis.
2. Sage Incense:
Another easy and inexpensive method. Simply get some dried sage and burn it
in a metal container, a skillet pan or cooking pan. Just use a lighter or
matches to start up (lighter is better—don’t burn your fingers). It will start
giving out some smoke along with an exotic scent. First, open a window or just
open the entrance door of your home. You want to chase the negative energy from
your place. Walk around your home—step in every room and part of your home by
holding the metal container as the sage smokes. Hold the metal container on
your bed, under your bed, behind the curtains, doors, under the table, inside
the cabinets, under the sinks, anywhere you can think of, especially forgotten
areas. You don’t have to wait until the sage is completely burned out. Once you
are done walking around your home, you can hold the sage under water to make
sure it is not smoking anymore and throw it away. That is it.
This one is particularly good to have a better sleep at night.
3. Vinegar
Any vinegar you get from a supermarket is fine. I use apple cider. Add
two cups of vinegar in a bucket of water and wipe off your furniture.
Specifically sofas, chairs, where people mostly sit and spend time, also tables,
coffee tables, etc. Do this like you are dusting. Then get a new bucket of
water, add two cups of vinegar in it again and wash the floors. Vinegar cleans
up any negative energy. Plus, your home will get double cleaned. ;-)
Don’t worry about the sharp smell of vinegar though. It disappears in
less than an hour. You can open a few windows if the smell bothers you too
BONUS: Here is my two cents
for you. Carry a teaspoon of rock salt or sea salt in your purse (or pocket if
you can). I am talking about a very small amount here. Just put it in something
that is made of paper (no plastic, no metal) and carry it with you all day. I
use teabag paper for this. Fabric will work as well. It will take the negative
energy coming from people around you when you are outside. And, put two teaspoons
of rock salt or sea salt in something that is made of glass and place it on
your desk at work or somewhere close to you. No water is involved with these.
However, you should remember to change the rock salt DAILY. Do not use it for
the next day. Throw it in the sink and make sure to drain it with water.
Remember, it absorbed negative energy all day along and should be destroyed
after 24 hours.
Do you think you are a victim of negative energy around you? If so, did
you try any of these methods yet? Feel free to leave a comment and let us know
how it goes. You can share this article so that other people can benefit from
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My blog has no boundaries. I share any information I find and topics on
daily life. Stay tuned for more. See you next time.
DISCLAIMER: This information has been gathered by searching on the
Internet for my own use. I am not an expert on this topic. I am simply sharing
what has worked for me here.